.. title: aikchar.dev
.. slug: index
.. date: 2014-10-14 17:24:07 UTC
.. updated: 2019-03-07 02:07:03 UTC
.. tags:
.. link:
.. description:
.. type: text
I write about technology in my `blog `_.
`pytest-hidecaptured `_ A plugin for pytest to hide captured output (stdout and stderr).
It is available on pypi: `pip install pytest-hidecaptured `_.
`brokerlso `_ A small library to create parts of Qpid Management Framework (QMF) version 2 messages.
It is available on pypi: `pip install brokerlso `_.
`Seagull `_ Seagull is a free, Open Source (GPL) multi-protocol traffic generator test tool.
Forked to build on recent versions of Ubuntu and CentOS with patches.