gevent Quickstart Guide

This is a simple list of steps on how to get started with installing gevent on openSUSE (tested on openSUSE 13.1 with gevent 1.0.1). We'll use virtualenv instead of a system-wide install.

You need to have a compiler (gcc) and Python development library.

[user@host ~] $ sudo zypper install gcc python-devel

Install Python 2.7 virtualenv, since gevent 1.0.1 doesn't appear to support Python 3.

[user@host ~] $ sudo zypper install python-virtualenv

Create virtual environment in your home directory (or anywhere else you want).

[user@host ~] $ virtualenv ~/virt

Activate the virtualenv.

[user@host ~] $ source virt/bin/activate

Install gevent.

(virt) [user@host ~] $ pip install gevent

Check it all works.

(virt) [user@host ~] $ python

Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 21 2013, 15:55:38) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gevent import sleep
>>> sleep(2)

When you're done deactivate the virtualenv.

(virt) [user@host ~] $ deactivate

Note: I published this post originally at gevent Quickstart Guide. Migrated to Nikola in February 2015.